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Emily Austin

Adjunct Lecturer in the First-Year Writing Program


First Year Foundation


237 LeFrak Center

Office Hours



Emily Austin freelances as an editor and has worked on a wide variety of projects, including books and articles on healthcare, economics, art therapy, migration and labor, and racial justice in housing and the workplace. She finds the world endlessly interesting, and is especially drawn to any project that explores female friendship, neurodivergence, the fragment, unexpected attachments, or food. Emily is currently completing her first YA project, a speculative novel that follows a group of women through political and social upheaval in a riotous world whose laws of physics unhinge around emotionally charged events. A graduate of the Writing Program in Fiction at Columbia University, she was previously a UWP Writing Instructor, a bartender, a bookseller, an administrator, a choreographer, a babysitter, a professional development advisor, and an events coordinator. Emily was born in Kentucky, grew up in Columbus, Ohio, and completed her undergraduate degree at Grinnell College in Iowa. After stints in Southern Africa, Asheville, North Carolina, and various NYC neighborhoods, she has landed in Sunnyside. She loves living in Queens.