Atefeh Akbari
English, First Year Foundation
Office Hours
Atefeh Akbari Shahmirzadi received her PhD in English and Comparative Literature, with an Advanced Certificate in Comparative Literature and Society, from Columbia University in 2019. Her current book project, From the Caspian to the Caribbean [working title], is a cross-cultural comparison of mid to late-twentieth-century Iranian and Caribbean fiction and poetry. She has published in the PMLA, Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry, Philosophy and Global Affairs and the MLA volume Teaching World Epics, and has work forthcoming in Spirit and Defiance: Ali Shariati in Translation (University of Minnesota Press).
FYSB BC1724 First-Year Seminar: Postcolonial Comics
ENGL BC3159 The English Colloquium (Renaissance)
ENGL BC3193 Critical Writing
ENGL BC3205 World Literature Revisited I
ENGL BC3206 World Literature Revisited II
ENGL BC3207 The "Global" Novel
Ph.D, Columbia University (2019)
M.A., University of Tehran (2010)
B.A., University of Tehran (2006)